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Hast du wenn schon schon positive Erfahrungen mit den An dieser stelle vorgestellten Apps gegen Lebensmittelverschwendung gemacht, oder fehlt dir noch eine Jeglicher wichtige? Dann schreib sie unten hinein die Kommentare!

With the A 40/A 52 in the southern parts of the city and the A 42 rein the north, there is a gap rein the motorway Anlage often leading to congestion on streets leading from the central to the northern boroughs. An extension of the A 52 to connect the Essen-Ost junction with the A 42 to close this gap is considered urgent;[44] it has been planned for years but not yet been realized – most importantly due to the high-density areas this extension would lead through, resulting hinein high costs and concerns with the citizens. Public transport[edit]

During the Nazi era, tens of thousands of slave laborers were forced to work in 350 Essen forced labour camps. Here, they did mining work and worked for companies like Krupp and Siemens.

Grugapark: With a total area of 70 ha (173.0 acres), the Grünanlage near the exhibition halls is one of the largest urban parks in Germany and, although entry is not free of charge, one of the most popular recreational sites of the city. It includes the city's botanical garden, the Botanischer Garten Grugapark.

Moltkeviertel (Moltke Quarter): from 1908 on, following reformative plans of the city deputy Robert Schmidt, this quarter was developed just south-east of the city centre. Large green zones, forming broad urban ventilation lanes and incorporating sporting and playing areas and high quality architecture – invariably hinein the style of Reform Architecture, combine to create a unique example worldwide of modern town essen planning.

It focuses on diseases of the circulatory Struktur (West German Heart Centre Essen), oncology and transplantation medicine, with the department of bone marrow transplantation being the second-largest of its kind in the world.

The former collegiate church of Essen Abbey and nowadays cathedral of the Bishop of Essen is a Gothic hall church made from light sandstone. The first church on the premises dates back to between 845 and 870; the current church was constructed after a former church had burnt down rein 1275. However, the important westwork and crypt have survived from Ottonian times. The cathedral is located rein the centre of the city which evolved around it. It is not spectacular hinein appearance and the adjacent church St. Johann Baptist, which is located directly within the pedestrian precinct, is often mistakenly referred to as the cathedral.

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Rein Auf dem postweg-war Germany, the former house of worship was bought by the city, used as an exhibition hall and later rededicated as a cultural meeting centre and house of Jewish culture.

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Of the Rhein-Ruhr S-Bahn net's 13 lines, 5 lines lead through Essen territory and meet at the Essen Hauptbahnhof main station, which also serves as the connection to the Regional-Express and Intercity-Express network of regional and nationwide high-speed trains, respectively. Following Essen's appointment as European Capital of Culture 2010, the main station, which is classified as a Krankenstation of highest importance and which had not been substantially renovated over decades, will be redeveloped with a budget of €57 million until early 2010.

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